Thursday, November 10, 2011

Need A Good Laugh Today?

Are you in desperate need for some comic relief?  If so, take ten minutes and hang out with your kids. They're bound to say or do something that will give you a good belly laugh.

This morning I was at my hairdressers getting a well needed highlight and cut.  Our youngest son had woke up hours earlier complaining of a sore throat and headache but I wasn't about to cancel my appointment. 

Okay, before you send me any awful mommy fan mail, let me explain...

My husband was off of work today and the doctor's first available appointment was not until after three o'clock. So, I knew Carson would be in good hands with his dad while I hopped over to my favorite salon for an hour or two.

As I sat in the salon chair, quietly enjoying a warm cup of hazel vanilla coffee while flipping through the pages of a Pottery Barn magazine, my cell phone rang.  I could see from the caller i.d. that it was Carson.  My heart did a double beat as a thought flashed through my mind, "I wonder if everything's okay?".

"Mom, my hand is cramping up!"

"What? What do you mean your hand is cramping up?"

(Internal thought) "I knew I should have stayed home."

"Mom, my hand is cramping up from playing too much X-box and I just found a new controller on the internet that has this special attachment which will keep my hands from cramping. And, Mom, I really think I need to order it now! It's only $39.99 and if I order it within the next 20 minutes, they'll give me FREE shipping! Mom, I think having this new controller will really keep my hands from cramping!!"

(Calmly) "Carson, we'll talk about it when I get home. Get off of the X-box, get off of the internet and by the way...where is Dad?"

"He's taking a nap...."


Got any funny kid stories to share? Do tell so we can all get a good belly laugh today.