Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Demon that Swallows People Whole

This morning I received an email from my brother telling me that Uncle George only has a few weeks to live. He was diagnosed with Melanoma last year and the doctors say it has already spread to his lungs and lymph nodes. He has also developed some type of Leukemia which is associated with prolonged exposure to benzene, a product he used to clean clocks for many years.

My Uncle owned a clock shop in Munich Germany where he would sell and fix all sorts of clocks - from pocket watches to grandfather clocks. I have one sitting in my foyer that he gave us years ago. My grandfather originally owned the shop and when he died, Uncle George kept it going.

His dream was to one day sell the clock shop, move to the United States and retire in Florida. He did exactly that about four years ago. He also got married to a wonderful woman, Susan, whom our family has grown to love so deeply. Life seemed wonderful...until the demon arrived.

Can I just say I HATE CANCER! Is that o.k. to be so blunt? It's like a demon that has swallowed up whole so many people that I love. My dad has struggled with Lukemia for almost three years now. Just last week my sweet friend had to shave off all of her hair because it was falling out in clumps from the chemo treatments she is undergoing. A nine year old boy who lives in our community gets daily visits from hospice and cries to his mommy because he's in so much pain and is afraid to die.

I've had friends and loved ones loose their hair, their breasts, their dignity, their ability to have babies, their mental capacity, their very lives because of this demon we call "Cancer".

Where is the hope in all this? For me, my hope is in the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. I may not understand why cancer attacks one person and not another. I may not know if cancer will one day swallow whole my children, husband, or even myself. I don't understand why cancer is becoming more and more prevalent hope is in the Lord.

The bible tells us in John 16:33 "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I (Jesus) have overcome the world."

Now, Jesus doesn't say we may have trouble or that we could have trouble. He says we WILL have trouble. Yet He doesn't leave us there, in a pit of despair. He tells us to "take heart!" (notice the exclamation point?) "I have overcome the world". Although cancer is big in our world today and seems to be everywhere you turn, it's certainly not bigger than Jesus! This is where my hope comes from.

Do you have a friend or loved one who is struggling or even dying of cancer right now? Maybe you're the one struggling with cancer? Please leave a comment and let me know so I can be praying for you or your loved one. It would be such a privilege and honor to do so.


  1. Leah, I understand your feelings. My husband's mom was diagnosed with cancer, and just over a month later we were at her funeral. It was so fast, and she was so healthy before the cancer was discovered.

    Praying for you,

  2. Hi Leah,
    Yes, cancer does seem to affect everyone these days. My sister, Pam, just turned 40 and has been diagnosed with stage 3 Thyroid Cancer. Thankfully, it was the treatable kind but has also spread to her lymph node. She will undergo agressive radioactive treatment in isolation in the hospital in a few weeks. Please pray that this treatment kills all of the cancer in her body. She has 3 children 10 and under with the oldest being autistic and her baby just turned 2. I will pray for you and your family. I hope all goes well.

    Take Care,


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