Monday, April 25, 2011

"Mom, That's Stealing!"

Would you consider yourself an honest person?

Would you go as far to say that you live a life of integrity?

I was challenged last week by my 16 year old when he caught me in the middle of agreeing to something that was not so honest. In fact, as he put it "it was stealing".

Last Thursday Brody was on Spring Break and went with several of his friends to a local amusement park. I agreed to pay half of his ticket and he would pay the difference to purchase a seasonal pass for the Summer.

Two days later, Carson was invited to a birthday party which was being held where? You got it...the same amusement park.

The three of us were sitting at the kitchen table talking about the party when Carson suggested that he could use Brody's seasonal pass instead of buying another ticket. "Mom, just think of all the money you could say. I look so much like Brody that they wouldn't even notice."

With little hesitation, I said "You know...that's a good idea."

A good idea? What was I thinking! I wanted to gobble up those words that had spilled out of my mouth but it was too late.

With the look of shock and horror on his face, Brody blurted out, "Mom, you've got to be kidding! That's stealing!!"

He was absolutely right and his words left me feeling smaller than a bed mite and stinkier than a skunk.

I immediately apologized, agreed that it would be completely wrong, and commended Brody for speaking the truth and challenging me to make the right choice in the situation.

Choosing truth instead of a lie.

Choosing integrity instead of dishonesty.

For years, we've drilled our kids with the motto "Honesty and integrity leads to righteousness." But, here my actions were speaking way louder than our family motto.

In all honesty, it's really embarrassing to share this story with you. Yet, there's such great lessons God's teaching me through this experience that it's totally worth it. If you can learn from my mistakes - more kuddos to you.

Here's what I'm learning...

Being an honest person and living a life of integrity requires a LOT of hard work. It's not something we can master all at once. It's a process.

Day by day.

Hour by hour.

Situation by situation.

Choice by choice.

The good news for you and me is that we don't have to accomplish living a life of integrity on our own. We can rely on Christ to guide us in every circumstance. He knows what it's like to live a
life of this earth with all the challenges and struggles the world offers yet do it with complete integrity.

I may have blown it big time last week in the area of honesty. But,today is a new day and my desire is to choose wisely. I'm asking God to help me live for Him so that my husband and children can not only hear our family motto "Honesty and integrity leads to righteousness" but experience it being lived out. I my life and in theirs.

Won't you join me?

Is there an area in your life where you're being challenged to be completely honest? Maybe you're struggling to be honest with someone like your spouse, your children, a parent, a co-worker, or even yourself?

If so, take a few minutes to pray and ask Christ to help you live a life of integrity. To speak the truth and make wise choices. Then trust that He will and look to Him for help in every situation that comes your way. I promise He'll be faithful to guide you and give you the strength you need.

Day by day

Hour by hour

Moment by moment.


  1. What a great post, Leah! Thank you for being so real and honest in this post!! So thankful for the Holy Spirit who guides and directs us. You're right, we don't have to do it alone. So thankful He is so amazingly patient with us!! :) I really appreciate this post...really made me think.

  2. Great post Leah!! God is able to speak to us through our children isn't He?? Never really thought of them as my accountability partner, but in a way they are!! Thanks for sharing so honestly with us!! Hope and pray all is going well for you!!

  3. Just got around to this one. But, so often takes our kids to point out we talk the talk, but some times we want to squeak out on walking the walk. It is so hard to be honest about our flaws! Thank you for sharing your heart. Much love, Denise


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