Monday, May 4, 2009

Farewell to Clark Rogers

Today Clark Rogers received the ultimate healing and went to meet with the Lord face to face this morning.

I was stunned when we got the news and although we had never met Clark, I grieved as is he was a good friend of the family. Honesty, he was a good friend of the family - the family of Christ.

I spent this morning trying really hard to busy myself with other things but as I folded clothes in my laundry room, still shocked from the news, I began to ask God why.

I started to reminisce about Friday's service and how awesome it was, Over 800 people showed up and the atmosphere was one of celebration not sadness. Over $25,000 was raised within 3 hours, which would go towards paying Clark's medical bills. The praise and worship was awesome.

I thought about the video clip we saw of Clark & Lisa which was taped just that morning. Although Clark looked very pale and thin, he was smiling from ear to ear and had an obvious sparkle in his eyes.

I told God " ya know, I thought we were attending a healing service" and he responded by saying "Leah, you attended a farewell party".

A smile came to my face as I thought about Clark's bigger than life personality. He wouldn't have wanted to say good bye any other way. I have no doubt that his celestial celebration in heaven is beyond our wildest imaginations.

Will Clark Rogers be missed?


Did Clark receive his ultimate healing?


Is Jesus Bigger than cancer?


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