Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pretty Feet

Oh my goodness!!! It has been eight days since my injury and my foot is still black & blue! I took some pictures of it but have no idea how to transfer them onto my blog. If anyone is reading this and knows how to post pictures on a blog site, I'd love it if you could help me :)

Today was my first trip to the grocery store too. As I shuffled down the store isles, I couldn't help but feel like I was regaining some sense of normality to my life. It's strange how something as simple as going to the grocery store can take on a whole new meaning when you've been out of pocket for a while. Especially for me. Shopping for food in general is an absolute labor of love for my family and cooking that food is an even GREATER labor of love.

Just a short while ago, I was sharing with a friend about my trip to the store. She commented to me "it's amazing how much we take for granted" and she is absolutely right! Sure, my routine has drastically changed over the last eight days but within a few weeks I should be back to status quo.

However, there are people in my life who have been in accidents which have resulted in multiple surgeries, weeks in the hospital and months of recovery. Other family members are dealing with months of chemo treatments and still others that will never recover from their illnesses.

The fact is... life is full of pain and with pain comes great trials.

Below is a quote from Charles Swindoll which some sweet person posted as a comment to my blog. I thought it was so profound I decided to share it with you.

"Life and pain are synonymous. You cannot have one without the other. Pain is a fact of life in this fallen world, and we cannot escape it. In fact, the goal in life is not to get away from the pain of it, but to endure through it, in fact, to triumph over it, while learning the lessons only pain can teach us." Charles R. Swindoll

I always thought the goal was to live a life that is pain free but we all know that is impossible. Many of us endure pain but to triumph over it? How can we triumph over pain?

When I read this quote I was reminded of Paul's letter to the Romans where he talks about how we should respond to trials that can bring pain into our lives. Take a look at it and let me know what you think.

3 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. 4 And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. Romans 5:3-4 (NLT)

I believe that the only way I can endure pain and trials in my life is through Jesus Christ.

He is the one that helps me persevere through life's difficulties

He is the one who strengthens me when I am physically, emotionally or mentally weak.

He is the one that molds and shapes my character as He carries me through rough times.

He is the one who reminds me just how blessed my life really is.

It is only by His almighty hand that I am able to triumph over the pain in my life and be victorious.

What about you? Has God brought you through a painful experience, that once arriving on the other side, you were able to see how He had made you stronger for it? Has trials shaped your character for better or worse? Do you experience God's strength when yours is depleted?

Please write and let me know. I'd love to hear your story.

1 comment:

  1. I love the verse you shared from Romans - one that has spoken to me various times through my life, especially during the trials.

    I came after reading your comment on Renee's blog - wow, what a story!! I just emailed the other day about the Rise and Shine Retreat here in Iowa and suggested we may be comparing baby pics - looks like that will be the case! How exciting!!

    It's neat to read your words and I appreciate the questions you posed, I will be back.

    Blessings to you and pray that ankle heals up in a hurry!


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